You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2010.

There are big shuffles at work right now. I don’t know who will be my manager and I’m sad that I won’t be working for the manager I have right now. The way it was handled was a tragic example of how not to do things.

I hate it.

But at least I don’t hate all of my shoes anymore.

Tomorrow is Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival and a chance to enjoy a sunny day with my dear friends around fiber. I’m on the hunt for a new shuttle for the loom.

I think it will be epic.

And I’ll wear shoes I love and try really really hard not to think about work until I have to.

Soon I’m going to get good pictures of Vivian resurrected.

September 11th is a hard day for me. Such a horrible, thing happened and I truly never thought 9 years down the line that I would feel normal again.

Well normal has some strange twists and turns these days, but my life is normal seeming. I’m sad and sorry for the families that lost loved ones, it’s horrific. Why do we have to be so fragile? And cruel to each other?

My thoughts are with you and your family as you commemorate this day as you see fit. I’m trying be mindful today that we don’t get to choose the day and time we leave our lives, so it makes it even more important to make the most of what we have right now. Sometimes that making the most is changing the sheets on the bed, or watching your loved ones do something entirely mundane and savoring that moment. This little window doesn’t last forever.

I’m incredibly thankful for the friends and family I have, and the opportunity to spend time with them each day.

For me, the mysteries of the the “female anatomy” stem largely from the idea that you can’t see the parts without some planning an work. There is also this magical thing that hormones do each month. I’m thinking black magic, not white.

My uterus and I, we don’t talk much. ‘Let’s just call her Flo. She does her thing. I do mine. We get a long fine most of the time. Sometimes I buy her the new Always Infinity pads and she likes that. And then she Mr Polyp started hanging around. Or should I say, he started hanging around inside. That’s when it went all wrong.

I’m a believer in simple measures taken regularly for good health. Eating as unprocessed as possible. Don’t smoke, exercise vigorously several times a week. It’s something that has worked well for me. I also know that it’ s the luck of the draw that has gotten me here as healthy as I am.

Flo has decided to test the limits of my patience and my pocketbook. Sadly it won’t be a cheap easy break up with Mr Polyp. The good news is it’s a quick procedure and I’m back on my feet the next day. The time is still to be scheduled.

I got to spend the day with JustJen being her wing woman. She’s recently lost weight and looks wonderful. She also needs new clothes to fit her fine self. We found her some! I loved seeing the look on her face when the sizes she normally buys were not the sizes she needed.

Also massage and yoga on the schedule. As I relax and please no one but myself my sense of humor returns. 9 out of 10 humans agree, its a good thing.